⚙️ Installation
Installation guide for installing my dotfiles.
📄 Attention:
This dotfiles configuration is written with Arch Linux systems in mind. While it may work on other Linux distributions, it is optimized and tailored specifically for Arch Linux. You may need to make adjustments for compatibility if you're using a different distribution.
There are two ways to install these dotfiles:
- Automated Installation (Script): This method uses a script to automatically set up the dotfiles. However, the script is a bit messy and not perfect, so it may require some adjustments.
- Manual Installation (Recommended): This is the preferred method, giving you full control over the installation process and allowing you to customize each dotfile according to your needs.
It’s recommended to use the manual installation for a more reliable and tailored setup.
Manual Installation
To get started, you can clone the dotfiles repository directly from GitHub.
Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/NotMugil/dotfiles.git
Step 2: Access the dotfiles directory
cd dotfiles
Step 3: Install necessary packages
We'll be using yay
as the AUR helper. If you prefer a different AUR helper, such as paru
, simply adjust the commands accordingly.
📦 System Packages
yay -Sy hyprland hyprlock hyprpicker hypridle kitty waybar \
rofi-wayland sddm swww zsh ufw brightnessctl playerctl neovim \
nano dunst grim slurp imv mpv mpd firefox git nano cliphist \
wl-clip-persist wl-clipboard polkit-kde-agent gnome-keyring
aylurs-gtk-shell-git wlogout
🫐 Networking & Bluetooth
yay -Sy bluez bluez-utils blueman network-manager-applet
# After installing enable system service
systemctl enable bluetooth.service
📁 File Management
yay -Sy thunar gvfs catfish eza tumbler ffmpegthumbnailer \
zip unzip udisks2 ifuse file-roller
# Optional thunar plugins
yay -Sy thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin \
thunar-shares-plugin thunar-volman
🈂️ Fonts
yay -Sy noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji ttf-space-mono-nerd \
ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols
# After installing make sure to do
fc-cache -v
🚛 Additional Packages
yay -Sy nwg-look pavucontrol evince qbittorrent timeshift
yay -Sy ranger neofetch zathura zathura-cb zathura-pdf-mupdf \
btop htop nvtop fd ripgrep tree gparted
Step 4: Copy the configurations
Finally, its time to copy the configurations to your system. Make sure to backup any of the previously available configuratios before copying mine.
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
cp -r misc/* ~/
Congratulations! you have installed the dotfiles. Restart your system to apply changes.
Automated Installation
The installation script is still a work in progress. Some features may not be fully implemented or tested yet.
For a faster setup, use the install.sh
script to perform an automated installation of the dotfiles in one step:
Post Installation
After finishing the installation, there are a few more steps that you'll have to do in order to finalize the customization.
Other configurations
# Install the desired theme
git clone https://github.com/aczw/sddm-theme-corners.git theme &&
sudo cp -r theme/corners/ /usr/share/sddm/themes/
After installing your theme, edit the /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf
to match your theme name that is placed in /usr/share/sddm/themes/
HaltCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff
RebootCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl reboot
# Create wallpaper dir, if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p ~/.wallpapers
# Copy your wallpapers into the created dir
cp -r walls/* ~/.wallpapers/